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Essays about code. Essays about context. Critiques of coding practices.

Essays about connection

Tying it all together: API design, HTTP, protocols, file & folder hierarchies, architectures, collaboration, etc.

Data-driven UIs
DDUIs mean a single source of truth and the benefits that come with it.
A key to reducing tech debt and eliminating bugs is to maintain a single source of truth. Driving the UI (and the API) from the database schema is a great way to achieve this.
DOM to JSON and back
We can persist and rehydrate DOM objects with simple vanilla JS.
We can easily use vanilla JS to convert DOM objects to JSON (including events), persist them, and then rehydrate them. Or generate the DOM programmatically. Nice, eh?
The Craft Code approach
A craft coding primer.
Web APIs and the DOM already provide more than enough power. All that React code is nothing more than an abstraction layer on top of the DOM. Why not use the DOM directly?

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Essays about code. Essays about context. Critiques of coding practices.

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