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Essays about code. Essays about connection. Essays about context.

Critiques of coding practice

Essays (and the occasional polemic) on current practices and beliefs considered harmful. We also provide alternative approaches.

The proximity principle, part 2
There is a right way and a wrong way to code. A very wrong way.
Here we provide examples of both the right and wrong way to use design principles, such as the proximity principle, to reduce cognitive load and make code more comprehensible.
The proximity principle, part 1
Forget separation of concerns. A better approach is to use the proximity principle.
Application of the proximity principle from design to programming code and markup can greatly reduce cognitive load and improve comprehension.
The truth about disability
No one has a disability until disabled by us.
There are no persons with disabilities; there are only disabled persons. And who disabled them? We did, of course. All disabilities are culturally created. The question is, Why?
Stop scolding your users
Our users are not wrong. We are.
Your users are what keep you in beer and pizza (or cognac and tiramisu). Why berate them for misinterpreting your interface? You need scolding, not your users. Help, donʼt scold.

Links to related pages

Essays about code. Essays about connection. Essays about context.

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