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We found a problem with your website URL.

Our server found a URL in your form submission. But the submitted URL appears to be invalid. The URL is optional, but must be valid if supplied.

Our stubborn server refused to accept an invalid URL. We did not receive your join request.

This is an automated process: no human has seen your submission yet.


Please use your browserʼs back button to return to the join us form. Edit your URL or leave it blank, then re-submit the form.

Or try again later. If it is urgent, then please send an email to coder at or try our feedback form.

If you do email us, then please put [INVALID URL - JOIN US FORM] in the subject line.

We do want to hear from you, so we hope we can get this straightened out. If we have somehow screwed this up or there is something that we could do better, then please do let us know. But please do keep trying.

The Craft Code Community wants YOU.

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